‘I think the personal contact could even be replaced with online sessions to provide even more flexibility.’

Drie vragen aan Joann Talv

Lang voordat de nood aan de man kwam, deed MKPC al aan Zelfstudie (locatie-onafhankelijk leren in je eigen tijd en tempo) en Zelfstudie Plus (locatie-onafhankelijk leren met privé-begeleiding door een – Master – BlackBelt). Joann, International Hub Optimization & Infrastructure Manager bij de DPDgroup, bijvoorbeeld volgde via het Zelfstudie-Plus-model een Lean-Six-Sigma-GreenBelt-training. Zijn begeleider was Laurens Smit. Nieuwsgierig naar zijn ervaringen stelden we hem twee vragen.

Hoe heb je de training ervaren?

‘I indeed took a self-study with 4 private coaching sessions with Laurens (have to mention once again that he is a great coach to have!). I really enjoyed the Lean Greenbelt Six Sigma training that I took at MKPC because I was still able to continue with my day-to-day job full-time while obtaining a greenbelt. This was only possible because I took my own time to study, of course. Although, it would not have been achievable without the great theoretical and practical materials MKPC provides. Besides that, the MKPC provided coach really puts structure into studying and anything that was not understood by me, the coach explained it thoroughly via real-life examples – most of the times even based on our own production facility. Really, a great course and everything which comes together with it to take your first steps towards being LEAN!’

En hoe werd het gebrek aan persoonlijk contact opgevangen?

‘I think that the lack of personal contact (4x4h) actually allowed for a faster learning curve than in a classroom environment because I could learn and practice on my own pace. Whereas we only addressed the topics during personal contact, which I still had questions about. All the topics that were clear still came up through the discussion many times, but then just to confirm for myself that I have the relevant knowledge. I think the personal contact could even be replaced with online sessions to provide even more flexibility. To conclude, if I had more time available myself, I could have obtained the Lean SixSigma GreenBelt way faster than in 3 months.’

Ben je geïnspireerd geraakt door Joanns verhaal en wil je meer weten over de Zelfstudie Plus of een andere, veilige online-variant? Kijk dan eens op https://mkpc.nl/lean-opleiding/lean-greenbelt-zelfstudie-plus/ of neem contact met ons op via info@mkpc.nl of 070 512 31 44.